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Losing My Job and How I Changed for the Better

After losing my job last month at Shopko, my emotions were running high. Not only do I have to be financially stable for myself but also for my two daughters. Being a single mom, they are my world, my only light now. 

Image result for mom and baby clipartBackstory
I began working at Shopko in 2016 as a sophomore in college. Shopko was enticing to me because of the short commute time from where I went to college. I started there as a cashier and within six months I was promoted to a general merchandise teammate. Honestly, I really enjoyed my time up until they started to decrease my hours. By this time, I was pregnant with my first daughter and in a rough patch in my relationship. I genuinely wanted to quit because I was so stressed with school, work and my personal life. I knew that I had to stay at my job because I needed to be in a good place when the baby was born. 

How Did I Get Fired?
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It was the day after I saw all over the news that Shopko "could not find a buyer for all of their stores anymore, so they were all being shut down" (CBS News). That news hit me hard because I knew that I would be in need of a new job unless Shopko was finding another form of employment for me. My shift that day was at 2:30pm and I tried so hard to make it feel like it was another regular day but in the back of my head, I just knew that one of these days was the last of being employed at Shopko. A coworker who I was especially close with came up to me when no one was around and whispered to ask if I had heard the news; of course, I said “yes” and from there it spread like wildfire to all the employees. The next week on Tuesday my boss finally came up to me and expressed to me the news about having to let me go. I knew this day would eventually come and it was a bittersweet moment to me. I knew that this was the job that my two little girls were supported by. On the drive back to my apartment, my eyes filled up making it dangerous for me to continue driving that I pulled over to the side of an elementary school. I sobbed for what seemed to be an eternity, to the point where my eyes were bloodshot red, and I continued to make it worse by rubbing them. I eventually made it home where I knew I had to stay strong and keep my head up high for my girls. I want them to know that Mommy is strong and to be honest, I didn’t want them to ask questions because I knew they wouldn’t fully understand what really was happening.

The Days to Follow
The next few days were definitely a challenge because I simply didn’t know what I was going to end up doing with my career. Being that I majored in education, I knew that finding a teaching job now was not going to be easy because it was March, and there were only three more months left of the school year. But I knew that if I didn’t have an income I would literally lose everything; my apartment, my car, my girls and just overall my life. I knew that this entire situation was completely out of my control and I needed to change my attitude because I knew that I was capable of bigger of better things.

Looking for a New Job
Image result for teaching
I genuinely was trying to seek a job in the education industry whether it be part time or full time just so that I would have some sort of income. I decided to go back to the elementary school that I happened to pull on the curb of the day that I was sobbing home. In my head, I thought that maybe was a sign that I would find some sort of position there. The school day had just started when I pulled up, I confidently walked into the main office and simply asked if they were hiring. The lady behind the counter was ecstatic that I came to ask because one of their third-grade teachers happen to unexpectedly leave due to family matters. The principal came out and we talked for over two hours about anything and everything you could have imagined. The amazing news was, I got hired on the spot! Everything could not have fallen into place at a better time in my life.

Advice for Others Who Have Lost their Job
Related imageHonestly, I completely know that the turn around time from me getting let go to finding my dream job was crazy fast. What I would say to you if you have gone through losing your job is that there is something out there that is waiting for you to claim. You must be willing to keep your head held high even though these times are difficult in order to become successful. Being a young single mom, I know important and precious time is not only with my girls and seeing how fast they grow but time is important when searching out a new job. I would definitely encourage you to take time to reflect on the reason you lost your job. If it was like my case where I had no control over it, then why put yourself down. There is absolutely nothing that I personally could have done besides buying out Shopko completely, which for me was definitely out of the picture. But if you do know the reason(s) you got let go, reflect on that and see how you can become a better employee not only for the company but for yourself so that you will have a higher chance of sticking around.

How I Have Changed for the Better
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Going through losing my long-time job has made me come to realize what I strong person I am. Not only did I stay positive for myself but everything I do if for my girls. I came out of this not so great situation better than I would have ever pictured. I am currently doing everything that I dreamed possible. I am working every day with little third graders and I am loving every moment of it. I never would have thought that losing my job would turn into such a positive thing but knowing that it has for me gives me hope that it will happen to you as well. 

*Comment down below sharing your stories and share the advice you have if you have personally experienced losing your job or if you know someone who lost their job and how they dealt with it.



Abc School Clipart clipart. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2019, from

Kdmanews. (2019, March 20). Retrieved April 12, 2019, from

Modern Calligraphy Inspirational Quote - Think Positive - at Yellow Watercolor Background. Art Print by kotoko. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2019, from

Set Of Color Vector Illustrations Of Whole Milk Powder stock vector art 840745332. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2019, from powder

Teaching English Clipart clipart. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2019, from
